Trumer Triathlon
In mixed weather the 1800 athletes fought their way to the finish line in beautiful sunshine and ultimately continuous rain on the last. 15 hours agoHollaus kürt sich beim Trumer Triathlon erneut zum Staatsmeister.
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Along the river Mattig you run back to the center of Obertrum and after a loop through the Trumer Privatbrauerei the course leads back to the finish area.

. 16 hours agoÜber den Gesamtsieg beim Trumer Supersprinttriathlon durfte sich Jan Gaberc vom Tri Team Kaiser freuen. Race pack collection Olympic Distance and Half Distance. Ad Tickets On Sale Today And Selling Fast Secure Your Seats Now.
Der Trumer Triathlon ist DAS Triathlonhighlight im Salzburger Seenland. Free entrance when bad weather at Braukeller. Kids Triathlon Sprintdistanz Funtriathlon und Mitteldistanz.
Sprint Distance Half Distance Information austrian national Championships The Austrian National Champions over the Olympic Distance of 2022 will be determined at the Trumer Triathlon. Before you enjoy our pils we have one more question. Lukas Hollasu war in Obertrum nicht zu schlagen.
Download Register Karte von Josef Gruber Trumer Triathlon - Funtriathlon 644 m 484 m 00 km 50 km 100 km 17 km. Trumertriathlon triathlon swim bike run. Trumer Triathlon Arrival Arrival to Obertrum am See Home Raceinfo Arrival Obertrum am See Obertrum am See is located about 14 kilometers at the north of the city of Salzburg the capital of the eponymous sports- and culture-state Salzburg.
Der Trumer Triathlon besticht. Medaillenjagd beim Trumer Triathlon. Ad Save on top quality triathlon gear.
At Trumer Triathlon 2022 the regional championships of Salzburg will take place over the following distances. Trumer Triathlon Friday Saturday Sunday Experience an unique unforgettable triathlon weekend. A scenic bay at lake Obertrum a hilly and demanding bike course through the Salzburger Seenland and a great run course in the center of Obertrum.
July 2022 5162 Obertrum am See. Trumer Triathlon Party with Live-Band RockaRella. Get low price guarantee and free shipping.
Top Quality Gear to Get you on the Podium. Kids Triathlon am Vormittag und am Nachmittag Funtriathlon Einzelbewerb und Sprinttriathlon Einzel- und Staffelbewerb sowie abends der Charity Run. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.
Welcome to Paramount Multisport. Your News Our Passion. Der 15 Jan Gaberc jährige feierte über die Distanzen von 250 Meter Schwimmen 13.
Gestartet wird um 815 Uhr. Der Sonntag steht im Salzburger Seenland ganz im Zeichen des Triathlonsports. - Lange wins Trumer Triathlon in Austria - sets.
Vergangenes Wochenende fand bei hochsommerlichen Temperaturen das Trumsee-Triathlon-Wochenende mit Kinder- Fun- Staffel. Explore the most popular trails in my list Trumer Triathlon with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos. Kurzdistanz nur Einzelbewerb und Mitteldistanz Einzel- und Staffelbewerb Alle näheren Informationen findest du auf unserer Website.
These are the main ingredients of the Trumer Triathlon. From the Kids Triathlon up to the middle distance a total of 7 different competitions were offered. Juli 2022 0847 Uhr.
Trumer Triathlon ab 8 Uhr im LIVE-Stream werden die Österreichischen Staats- Meister auf der Olympischen Distanz 15km Schwimmen 418km Radfahren 10km Laufen gesucht. The run course ist 25 k long. Trumer Triathlon 2021 Teaser.
Ad Free Shipping over 50 Price Match the Lowest Prices on the Web Guaranteed. 1Trumer Triathlon - perfekt in allen Belangen durchgeführt organisiert bedingt durch den Zuschauerandrang leider ziemlich verwackelt. Obetrumer am See Austriahttpwwwtrumer-triathlonatindexphpde.
DAS IST TRIATHLONDas Motivationsvideo zum Trumer Triathlon - sei dabei. We welcome endurance athletes of all kinds and all ages. Finish of the event.
2 hours agoTrumer Triathlon fest in Kitzbüheler Hand. July Triathlon 1525 km Triathlon Sprint distance Relay triathlon Sprint distance Triathlon Olympic distance Triathlon Half distance Relay triathlon Half distance. 35-jähriger Pinzgauer eilt seit dem Ende seiner Profi-Karriere von Sieg zu Sieg.
In Obertrum gewann er vor seinem Freund Alois Knabl. We are a New Jersey TriathlonMultisport club based out of Morristown NJ. Have you reached the legal age of 16 year to consume beer.
1Trumer Triathlon - perfekt in allen Belangen durchgeführt organisiert bedingt durch den Zuschauerandrang leider ziemlich verwackelt. The Trumer Triathlon took place from 20 22 July in the Trumer Lake Region. Fastest and most accurate independent news outlet for triathlon news duathlon news and multisport news offering a great mix of race reports of triathlon events actual industry news gear human interest stories pro- and age-group profiles long course and short course racing.
Sunday July 17th 2022.